Ten Practices to Enhance Intimacy – #2 Gaze into each other’s eyes

by | Jul 16, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

ICGazeWords can only take us so far. What we are truly longing for is to see our beloved and for our beloved to see us…naked. A nakedness that has nothing to do with how many clothes we have on.

Words are clumsy tools with which to communicate. There are so many words. We can easily talk too much in relationship without truly communicating, without communion.

Gazing into the eyes of another is one of the most profound experiences available to us in these bodies. The eyes reveal everything.

Try this…

Sit facing your beloved partner or friend. Close enough that you can feel deeply connected but not touching. Gaze into each other’s eyes. Don’t flick your focus from one of their eyes to another. Pick a focal point or soften your gaze so that you are taking in both of their eyes at once.

The intention –

On the out-breath, express the Truth of who you are through your eyes. Don’t hold anything back. Offer your beloved all of you.

On the in-breath, open to receive the mystery of this other. Open wider than you think. Receive this sacred being.

Don’t say a word.

This is a simple practice but it can take you all the way. Let it soften the hard edges of judgment and blame. Let it rekindle wonder and curiosity. Let it lead you into gratitude and delight. I invite you to begin with no touch at all. We are conditioned to experience intimacy mostly through physical contact. Gazing is a practice that allows us to cultivate intimacy on more and more subtle levels.

I’d love to hear your experiences.

Empowering Intimacy. Live it 🙂



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