Empowering Intimacy Webinar Replay – And 24 hours left for early-bird discount

by | Jan 19, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hi folks,

TheKissHere is the YouTube link to the Empowering Intimacy Webinar. (See the bottom of this post). I really want this FREE 90 minutes of teaching and coaching to inspire folks to invest in themselves.

The present moment does not need to be determined by what has gone before!

How do you invest in yourself? Watch the webinar. And if this kind of learning and growing fires you up, I am giving a big discount to everybody who is a “yes!” and wants to invest in this kind of catalyst for transformation.

Up until midnight tomorrow (January 20th) you can save $100 off the registration for my Seven-Week Course. This course will go deeply and experientially into every one of the seven steps I talk about in the webinar! What’s more, if you register by midnight on Tuesday, I will refund the entire price of the course to you if you decide to do couples or individual coaching. So you get this amazing content and coaching for FREE.

That’s how much I believe in this. It is my calling to work with folks who are up for changing their paradigm and getting empowered in their intimate connections.

This learning transforms your life.

I have yet to meet anybody who does not have a boatload of painful experiences in intimate relationships. And yet we keep hobbling along, hoping that our partner will be change, or the next partner will be different, or the next self-help book will do the trick. I was the same way. After a huge relationship failure, I felt hopeless and a failure and wondered why intimacy was so elusive. I discovered that none of us is taught these skills or given this knowledge when we are growing up. We need a completely new paradigm about intimacy and empowerment and this is what my course will address head on.

Here is the link to the course description and registration is at the bottom of the page: Empowering Intimacy Course.

Working with intimacy is a turbo-charge to spiritual awakening. To awaken, to touch, to have the felt sense of our True Self as good and loveable and complete, this is what our human journey is about. And the practice of intimacy in relationship is the most powerful fuel I have found for this awakening.

This work is not just for couples. It is for everyone who wants to love and be loved. Intimacy is a spiritual practice that will amplify our relationships with romantic partners, friends and loved ones, and most importantly with our own True Self. And, if you don’t have a partner and would like to be in romantic relationship, growing in intimacy will shape the kind of person you attract in to your life.

So check out the webinar and see if you are up for this journey of transformation.

Here is the course link again: Empowering Intimacy Course.

With joy,


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