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Becoming Human
Activating the Activators[/mk_fancy_title][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section min_height=”480″ padding_bottom=”0″ sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”5/6″][mk_padding_divider][mk_fancy_title font_family=”none”]
You are called to serve.
You want to build a helping business with integrity, profitability and ease.
[/mk_fancy_title][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1558245403385{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Are you thinking about or just starting out on the journey of creating a helping business?
Or are have you already worked at it and find yourself stalled from the level of satisfaction you know is possible?
Becoming a coach/healer/helper is a powerful calling but if we’re honest we know that many people stumble and fumble to find their way in building their business.
What’s more there are lots of strategies and techniques out there that are hollow, inauthentic and sometimes downright ugly.
Like anything a little bit of guidance and wisdom can save you 100’s of hours and $1000’s of dollars.
It doesn’t have to be that hard. Here is the short version:
[/vc_column_text][mk_custom_list style=”mk-icon-adjust”]Be Excellent: Hone your craft and your offering so you can help with 100% confidence.
Be generous: We are building a better world. Your kindness will be returned to you in many ways.
Be honest: Knowing who you are and who you are not makes you trustworthy.
Be bold: You have a mission to live and the world needs your gifts. Who are you to dim that light?[/mk_custom_list][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1558203565689{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
If this sounds like the helper you want to be then I am here to support your becoming.
Welcome to Activating the Activators!
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Building a successful practice is not rocket science….but there are lots of potholes on the road.
I know because I have been to the bottom of most of them 🙂
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Here are some things you need to know:
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- Showing Up As You: Your practice is NOT the place you establish your self-worth. It is the place you express your self-worth. Getting that backwards ruins everything.
- Owning Your Calling:Â You can only help people go on the journey you have gone on yourself. Own your authority 100% and leave the rest behind.
- Money Matters: Money is important. It needs to be respected and harnessed and approached with dignity and respect. Your money matters. Your client’s money matters. How you spend your money is a sacred choosing and it’s important to know what’s worth it.
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You can do it. And this program is here to help get you started and save you many hard (and expensive) bumps along the way!
In Activating the Activators I will mentor and guide you through all the processes and perspectives that have taken me years and tens of thousands of dollars and many dead ends to discover. Here’s how it looks…
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8 Week Container
Weekly Two-hour Group Mentoring Calls
Personal mentoring option
What we will cover:
- Owning Your Unique Authority – You have to be you and not what you think you should be.
- Knowing Who To Help – You can’t help everyone but you can really help someone.
- Knowing How to Help – Forget about business and focus on impact.
- Building Business Organically – Streams to rivers to the ocean. Nature’s way.
- Marketing as Medicine – Bless people with your outreach.
- Selling with Integrity – Striking the balance between compelling and clean
- Relationships Above All Else – Your ability to connect is your greatest asset
- Growing with Grace – Staying grounded as you expand
- Spotting Snake Oil – All the ways your insecurity will be targeted to tempt you to take expensive and fruitless detours.
- $500 for Activating the Activators Group Program
- Optional -$1000 for Weekly Personal Mentoring (50% off Ernest’s hourly rates for Program Members Only)
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And, let’s be clear about who this is NOT for.
This is NOT for you if:
- You feel entitled to a successful business just for showing up
- You aren’t willing to admit your weaknesses and grow your capacity in those areas
- You are looking for a silver bullet to fix an acute issue in your business or your life
- You expect this is the only kind of business support you will ever need
This isn’t magic. But it is wise, caring and wholehearted support to give you clarity and courage to find the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need. Here’s what you can expect…
Activating the Activators is designed to give you:
- Confidence in your capacity and your offering
- A solid foundation for your helping business
- A vision for how you will grow
- A marketing approach that feels good to you and your clients
- A sales approach that works without being pushy
- A genuine excitement about all you will offer and receive on this journey
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Are you ready to step forward into your business with integrity, profitability and ease?
If this tugs at your heart then please let’s have a chat and make sure it is the right fit. Apply below and you can get on a call with Ernest ASAP!
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Be excellent. Be generous. Be honest. Be bold.
Apply below. Let’s talk!
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